Friday, December 11, 2009


Kamryn has finally started to crawl, it's really really slow and you have to watch her for a long time to actually see the progress. The has found the bathroom to be her favorite place. I have to constantly remember to shut the door. It's funny how you get so excited and anticipate what they learn next, but I really wish she wasn't crawling. She is going to be getting into everything! She already tries to pull herself up on everything and has had a few crashes. It's still pretty cute watching her though.

crawling... well, sort of from Melissa Fullmer on Vimeo.


Lacey McKay said...

I'm jealous of the amount of light you have in your living room. This video looks amazing! I like that you got right down to her level too. She is such a cute little chunky monkey!

Tracy and Odie said...

so cute! love the drool!